Hi there, I'm admittedly a novice in HK market, and would appreciate some advice about how to invest in stocks and funds here.
Here are some of the many things I'm wondering... I know, I probably should get some professional advice on these:
1) If I invest in funds through HSBC, even if I was a Premier customer I would still loose about 7-8% the same day that I buy the fund, as they typically have about 5% spread between buy/sell prices and then you need to pay fee of 5% on top of that, of which you get half off if you're a Premier customer => hence you loose 7.5%. Not a nice start for an investment?
2) If I would build my own portfolio while based in HK, my experience is quite limited and as HSBC customer I would easily fall to have my investment account at HSBC, not least because I'm used to their online service. Is this wise, or is it more advisable to open your investment account somewhere else?
3) As HSBC customer I've learned that I can buy stock in HSE, LSE and NYSE. But what comes to stocks in LSE and NYSE they leave me on my own what comes to tax. How much do I need to pay tax for dividends and especially sales profits for, say, U.S. stocks and UK stocks?
4) Then what comes to investing in HKSE, I'm mostly wondering where can I get decent information about the companies (listed in HKSE). I can get real time (or almost real-time) quotes and history share price data from HSBC and Yahoo, I can get some P/E figures from SCMP print edition but that's about it, is there any free/reasonably priced online resource - Chinese or English - that would have more thorough data and analysis about the companies in HSE?
5) Now that there seem to be quite many stocks with very high valuations, I had one more question, is it possible to sell short (HKSE stocks) through HSBC, or do I need to go elsewhere for that?
Thanks in advance... even small advice to above would be very helpful.