If L&G won't do it then transfering seems a dead end.
If your planning to permananently reside outside UK then finding a local based insurer to work on L&G might be an option. However - your pension value should be able to be maintained at its present level without contributions, right?
The way then would be to store this value and buy into a new local scheme for your duration outside UK. This, if you can find a suitable company, value , made over your period of employment outside UK, may be folded back into the UK scheme. If THAT companies plan allows.
Also an experianced broker may have knowledge of suitable pension rulings that make L&G look again at their position. The wording on your plan would also be valuable regarding tranferability, not just under UK / EEC law but globally. Its a world village now, right?
I strongly suggest you take it up with a very experianced local broker and then get the plan contracted in writing by the underwriters, both of a new plan and that of L&G.