I have been approached by two sale representatives of a bank (the bank is one of the largest, so no fear of bankruptcy). They told me there is a promotion right now, which was previously available only through their private bank:
I put 1 M. in a deposit, and get 4% a year, fixed for 5 years. After a month, I can withdraw up to 85% of the principal at an interest rate of P-3, fixed for 5 years. Right now, that would be 2.125%. I have to keep the money on that account for 2 years minimum. After 5 years the interest rate is likely to be lower, but of course I can withdraw the money.
Now, considering the share market is at the historic maximum, I think this is great. I can keep my money at 4% and wait for the crash. When the crash arrives I can just withdraw 85% of my capital, and buy shares. Or I can do it now, and for example buy HSBC, with an dividend of 6%. It would be over 7.5% if I use 85% of my deposit.
I would be willing to put 50% of my house value, since it looks such a great deal. My mortgage rate is actually more than 2.125, so I would be better off paying off the mortgage using this fund.
But then, this looks too good to be true, so it probably is? What can be the potential problems?
Thank you very much!