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  • 1 Post By aw451
  • 1 Post By djtron99
  • 2 Post By Elefant&Castle
  • 1 Post By traineeinvestor

Gold in your portfolio?

Closed Thread
  1. #1

    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Gold in your portfolio?

    Hi, because of uncertainties in equities, I'm thinking to buy gold ETFs in the US market (GLDM). I've questions:

    1. Is it a good time to buy now?
    2. If yes, by lump sum or in regular intervals, i.e., quarterly? If no, when?
    3. How many percentage of portfolio?

    Thank you.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by djtron99:
    Hi, because of uncertainties in equities, I'm thinking to buy gold ETFs in the US market (GLDM). I've questions:

    1. Is it a good time to buy now?
    2. If yes, by lump sum or in regular intervals, i.e., quarterly? If no, when?
    3. How many percentage of portfolio?

    Thank you.
    1. That's like asking tomorrow's lottery numbers. You're asking about timing the market which is usually a losing strategy.
    2. Dollar cost averaging
    3. For me, 0%. I'm all in on bond and equity funds
    traineeinvestor likes this.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    How much do you allocate in bond, and equities? Can you further elaborate your portfolio in percentages. Thanks.

    shri likes this.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    May 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by djtron99:
    Hi, because of uncertainties in equities, I'm thinking to buy gold ETFs in the US market (GLDM). I've questions:

    1. Is it a good time to buy now?
    2. If yes, by lump sum or in regular intervals, i.e., quarterly? If no, when?
    3. How many percentage of portfolio?

    Thank you.
    1. Depends. If the price keeps going up then today is a great time to buy. If it goes down, it's a bad time to buy.
    2. See above.
    3. 0%. 100% in equities. Fly high or die, bro.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by djtron99:
    How much do you allocate in bond, and equities? Can you further elaborate your portfolio in percentages. Thanks.
    I'm 80-20 equities to bonds because I have a reasonably high risk appetite. I don't stock pick. Other than a bit of play money in a discount brokerage, the rest is in index funds.

  6. #6
    It's bonds and cash you should worry about - not so much equities.
    traineeinvestor and shri like this.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Elefant&Castle:
    It's bonds and cash you should worry about - not so much equities.
    Thanks for posting – that was interesting .... and depressing.

    His prediction on interest rates going seriously negative would make for some very interesting dynamics if it comes to pass. We could end up feeling nostalgic for the good old days when three bank deposits at a mouth-watering 0.05% were on offer.
    Kowloon72 likes this.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Cramped island

    I like gold. Have around 10~20% of my assets in gold coins, bars, paper gold and gold miner stocks.
    But what I would say is the economists prediction and views on gold have never really been realized after all these years.. there are too many forces at the back to drive gold prices in and out anytime they want.. so just leave those in the safe and let it show its shine slowly..

    My message to most friends is, even if i am not religious, gold/silver are the only 'money' in history of mankind that has withstood the passage of time, like what the testaments and the koran has guided their respective believers ... every other pseudo money have faded into history once the debasement of the currency starts..

    There are always people who believe they know better than everyone else.. that's fine.. to each his/her own.. time will tell what will happen to us when it comes..