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  • 2 Post By Trebor

How to sign documents as the person granted Power of Attorney?

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  1. #1

    How to sign documents as the person granted Power of Attorney?

    Does anyone know how it is done in HK, how the person granted with POA signs a document on behalf of the person who granted the POA?

    In some places, the person signs his/her signature followed by "PoA" afterwards.

    Thanks, Steve

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by sc999999:
    Does anyone know how it is done in HK, how the person granted with POA signs a document on behalf of the person who granted the POA?

    In some places, the person signs his/her signature followed by "PoA" afterwards.

    Thanks, Steve
    I think you can just sign as you would normally as though you were signing for yourself. There should be a seperate POA document/resolution that provides the authority. I have signed multiple documents under a POA this way.
    shri and hullexile like this.

  3. #3

    Thanks. Yes, I have the actual documents conferring POA.