US Citizen tax liability

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  1. #11

    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Eastern District HK; NYC


    Yes. i recommend you to ask your accountant to file an extension for the first tax year since you moved from the States --in your situation 2006 tax year. I am not a tax expert. however, I am an AICPA from originally NYC, if you need an expat tax advisor, I can refer you an accountant.

    Welcome to HKG.

  2. #12

    Talking Might be working for in Hong Kong

    sorry double posted, I just wanted to change the title

    Last edited by DBonin1599; 15-09-2009 at 02:16 AM.

  3. #13

    Talking Might be working in Hong Kong

    There is a lot of good information here, I wonder how much of it pertains to people who are temporarily working in HK. I am a US citizen and I might be signing a contract for up to three years work in HK and would like to know if I too can defer the filing (if I start in September or October 2009) and wait until I have my time in before filing.

    Also, I spent 2 months in Australia, it appears to be a similar tax situation as that. How much, percent wise, is the HK tax? Do they also have a superanuation that will need to be claimed at the end of my tour? Do they have an agreement in place as OZ does?

    Thanks for the help, this is a great site for preparing yourself for overseas travel.


    Dan B