I was served a court summons due to not properly filing my salaries tax in the last 2-3 years (I've filed for this year)... various reasons, mostly administrative disarray / unsure how to obtain certain records to get the right numbers, so procrastinating/not wanting to file the numbers incorrectly... in combination with being far too busy at work... all bills had been paid though.
Got the summons notice a little over a month ago, but in this time have managed to get just enough of the paperwork together and have filed all outstanding tax filings within the last week (with 3 trips to the Revenue Tower... much easier than phone / and faster than email which took 2 weeks to get a full reply...)
Not really sure what to expect besides showing up this week at court, providing a reason and paying the fine (at least this is what the representative officer told me at the IRD office).
Would appreciate any guidance/shared experiences?
Any idea on the estimate fine? (first time offender... definitely not one to do so usually, never even been to court). I'm barely at a managerial level so my salary isn't all that high and I was unemployed for half of last year. My biggest worry is does it leave a record (re: concerns for future job applications)? I'm also not a PR but due to qualify next year.
Plan to call the senior tax inspectors tomorrow (phone number on the summons letter...), not sure if we can / are supposed to / if it helps to discuss...