what kind of annual income wld it make sense to actually get a tax accountant ? i'd think even for 1.5m hkd p/a it doesn't really make sense because you won't save that much rite ? how much can one actually reduce from a tax bill of 250k hkd ?
at 1.5m hkd, assuming you getting even like 70% of that in your previous job, you are probably in tax bracket of >20% most part of the world. Even in Singapore supposedly tax friendly country you are paying close to 20%. Anyplaces around deductible are good for moderate income ppl but not really that significant for 1.5m HKD.
and for accomodation deduction. assuming 1.5m hkd is the basic annual package and you are getting another ~50% in bonus, e.g. 2.4m hkd in total. you'd have to rent a place that is more than 240hkd annually to get the marginal benefit of accomodation tax deduction, i.e. anything above the 20k per month you pay will be deductible, below the 20k you are better off not declaring.