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Extra large size men's clothes and shoes in HK

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Extra large size men's clothes and shoes in HK


    Having recently moved to HK I'm having a devil of a time trying to find smart casual clothes and shoes (e.g. what one would wear to various bars / restaurants in SoHo / LKF). I need jeans, smart casual trousers, smart casual shirts and some polo shirts. Measurements are XL in Ralph Lauren and Nautica polo, 40" waist and US14/UK13/EU48 size shoes.

    Tried at least 12 shops yesterday in and around Central with absolutely no luck and a lot of laughs from shop attendants.

    Any tips other than ordering on the internet? What did expats here do before the internet existed?

    Getting custom made is an option but I've spoken to multiple shops and the lead time now is approximately one month due to CNY and I can't wait that long.

    Many thanks

  2. #2

    Have you tried Mark & Spencer's for clothes? As for shoes you probably won't find any shops that carry much, if any, selection of large shoe sizes. You might find a few shoe stores with your size but not in the style you want or the other way around. The internet is about the only option to go with. However, some internet stores will not ship internationally.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Haven't tried Marks & Spencer for clothes yet but will certainly take a look - thankyou for the tip.

    Online can't be the only option... what did people do before ~7 years ago before online shopping took off?

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    As a big guy that has lived here for best part of 2 decades, I can tell you that:
    - not much exists
    - if you find it, it wont be up to your expectations.

    Save yourself the aggravation and look towards:
    1) ordering online (store sites and amazon)
    2) save your money and luggage allowance till you can visit Europe or NorthAmerica

    JAherbert likes this.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    May 2005
    Hong Kong, from UK
    Quote Originally Posted by klan8456:
    Haven't tried Marks & Spencer for clothes yet but will certainly take a look - thankyou for the tip.

    Online can't be the only option... what did people do before ~7 years ago before online shopping took off?
    Remember that the 'people' in HK are overwhelmingly east Asians, who by both nature and nurture are generally smaller than us Westerners and certainly do not participate in the obesity epidemic to anything like the same extent.

    And to answer the question - a combination of buying abroad (either in person or for shipping) and custom-made. You can still get simple things like shirts and slacks made surprisingly cheaply, obviously in any size you need...

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    40" waist should be doable. I've bought RL Polo trousers here up to 42" at least in the past. But yes, it's a problem. We are a tiny niche market not worth the shops' efforts to hold stock.

    M&S certainly stocked some items up to 40/32 last time I looked, but if you're also, say, a 34 leg then this starts to get Very Hard Indeed. Custom made seems to be the way to go, or get them next time you're in the US/UK/Aus. Personally I find it very hard to order trousers online - the chances of them actually fitting are very remote and the shipping costs for returns each time make the whole process cost-prohibitive.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Grunt : I had very good success with Regatta line of clothing when ordering online. Most of their stuff is elasticated which helps smooth out differences in measurements. Nice hiking shorts, trousers as well as smart-casual lines.

    Gruntfuttock likes this.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by HowardCoombs:
    Most of their stuff is elasticated which helps smooth out differences in measurements.
    ...also a good alternative to front pleating....for ummmm dealing with differences in particular measurements to ensure things aren't too tight in the front

    Love to see the boys having a fashion moment on here, it's usually us gals talking about shoes and bags
    Satay Sue and elle like this.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Blissed out on the South Side

    I agree with Tiger Sun, try the export surplus stores on Johnston Road in Wan Chai. My brother who is 6Ft 4" and a big guy always gets lucky at these stores with brands like Tommy Hilfiger, Brooks Brothers and the lot.

    Char Siu King likes this.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    Thanks, but it's not really the outdoor gear that I have a problem with (I've found that UnderArmour works for me sizewise). It's more smart casual stuff - trousers in particular that are a big problem (I like to blame this on the 127,000m of hill climbing I did in the last 12 months giving me what one hiker (who I believe has enough experience to judge these matters ) behind me described as a "black guy's butt", but it could be just that I have a fat arse). Shops for trousers for "black guy butts" are few and far between in this town!

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