Have searched through previous threads, and find most suggestions seem to be more 'spa' like establishments, with spa prices. Just after a good leg wax and some eyelash tinting....
Happy V, Causeway B, Central areas...
Have searched through previous threads, and find most suggestions seem to be more 'spa' like establishments, with spa prices. Just after a good leg wax and some eyelash tinting....
Happy V, Causeway B, Central areas...
there is one in Causeway bay, dont rememeber the address, but have the phone no. One is in TST, Carnavon Road, the building next to British Tailors. Can pass u the phone no. if u want.Originally Posted by suzieqstar:
Charges...$150 (hands and legs)(for the Causeway bay one.)
dont know about eyelash tinting.
You can try the Indian beatuicans for leg waxing.
Thanks guys,
Mercury do you have the no. of therapist in Causeway Bay, as mentioned above?
I just done mine (half legs + full arms) in small beauty salon in TST, which was recommended by my friend. She has done a good job and inexpensive. Can pass you the address if you want.
yep sara kath, address would be good.
hi,Originally Posted by suzieqstar:
here are the no.
29722705 and 91474790 - the girl is Reeta (causeway bay)
Reeta can come to ur home for waxing, if u want....if u live on Island, she wont charge extra money.
23770831- the one in TST. ( dont remember the parlour name...the owner is Preeti.)
try 64487171 - Hajirah. She's the owner of a small hair salon in TST (close to MTRC exist N) but also provide facial + waxing to her clients. Most of her clients are expat.
Hi Ladies,
I live in shenzhen but can easily come to Hong Kong for this service...however, none of the numbers mentioned are in service anymore. Does anyone have a current number? Or perhaps another suggestion?
Thanks so much!