For general hotel or food reviews, I prefer to use online sites than asking questions on forum.
Also use Google reviews to double check restaurants.
lets dig further
Chuntey in Central
a Openrice "sponsored" restaurant.
357 positive
1 negative
4.5 star on google map
I won't call openrice useless but shouldn't use it as bible. Should just take a look as reference, use it along with others and double check with others like TripAdvisor and Google reviews.
True. You can definitely get negative reviews removed if you pay enough, and there is no indication of which restaurants this has happened.
Google maps is a bit better but these days many of the reviews are also paid. You can see usually by the high review to comment ratio (indicates the restaurant gave a freebie in return for the 5*) or the highly structured comments often with tons of emoji (paid content farming)
Just look for any medical professional in Hong Kong, especially dentist on Google Maps. It's 5 star review galore. The best thing to do is to check any Google Maps review by looking at how many other reviews that "person" has done. If it's only this one dentist -> bot farm. If it's 3-4 reviews only, with one in HK, one in AU, one in US -> bot farm.
If it's 20+ reviews and many in the same location -> likely a human being. Is that human paid for? Who knows. Would have to read all their other reviews. But who's got time for that?
The average score is derived from all these though (the various bot farms + some humans) and are hence honestly freaking useless.