jetstar airways?

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  1. #1

    jetstar airways?

    I did a search but haven't found anything on this topic. Has anyone flown Jetstar airways? I think it's a budget airline run by Qantas? I'm thinking of using them this summer on a trip w/ my 2 kids and want to know if they're alright. we've been burned by a budget airline before (remember the oasis debacle a few years back?) so am a little wary of trusting a budget airline again.

    Thanks for any feedback

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Hong Kong

    they are budget. they will get you from a to b without much fuss. not much more than that to say.

    won't get free food on flight and you have to pay extra for checked baggage.

    they are owned by qantas. yes, they may go bust, but its unlikely.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Hong Kong

    have flown them too. it was fine for a short haul flight.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    You get what you pay for. Its a budget airline so :
    1) Dont expect any frills
    2) Dont expect much service
    3) Dont expect change of flights
    4) Dont expect a efficient rebooking if something goes wrong and definitely dont expect free food and free hotel room

    You *should* expect to be burned (whatever burned means) from time to time with budget airlines. It happens.
    There are a whole host of problems with consumer expectations from budget airlines. Nothing wrong with the airlines themselves, but as long as you keep your expectations low, you'll be fine.

    Allow for plenty of time and dont use budget if you are trying to get to an important and unmovable business meeting :-)

    You must have not searched very hard. Here is some fun reading for you :
    jetstar horror stories - Google Search

    I have nothing against Jetstar and if given the right circumstance, I would fly with them again and again - dont expect too much and you wont get disappointed.


  5. #5

    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Gold Coast Marina

    Be VERY CAREFUL of excess luggage, particularly if you are on thru-flights with Qantas on one leg and jetstar on another. They have lower allowances and enforce them vigourously. I dislike them intensely - but mainly because qantas code-share with them on various flights without making this very clear and as a qantas frequent flier I've been burned a few times by this. They are fine as a basic, budget, boring airline. But they take the 'no frills and no service' part of their service more seriously than most and appear to only employ extremely rude and hostile individuals!

  6. #6