Can anyone help? What is the fastest way to get to tai wai from shenzhen? I live by window of the world? should i take the ferry from nanshan or train or bus it in? should i go in from luohu?
Can anyone help? What is the fastest way to get to tai wai from shenzhen? I live by window of the world? should i take the ferry from nanshan or train or bus it in? should i go in from luohu?
Last edited by mLink; 09-11-2007 at 02:47 AM.
Your best bet would be to Train it in from Nanshan ( near C Mall ) to Luohu and then catch the KCR from Luowu to Tai Wai, or taxi it ( 40RMB from Nanshan to the KCR train station, 30 mins trip ) That would be the quickest and simplest method, if you dont have your own driver and dual registered / border permit equipped vehicle..
KCRC route map from Luowu/Sheung Shui, Tai Wai is 8 stops away.
Last edited by Skyhook; 09-11-2007 at 09:14 AM.
It might be quicker to take the SZ metro to Huanggang station (Involves a change of train) then catch the KCR from the linked Lok Ma Chau station.
Why would that be quicker if he lives in Nanshan district ( C Mall, Crown Plaza Hotel, Hover House) ? Thats a lot of rooting around stoob, when a simple 40 RMB taxi ride, or a subway train ride to Luohu, then switch lines to the KCRC.
Too, easy..
Skyhook, I humbly apologise, didn't realise alternative 'suggestions' to your own were off limits!
mLink, it may be worth trying both routes to verify which one is the quickest. The reason I suggested the Lok Ma Chau crossing is that being fairly new it may not have the same passenger density as LoWu.
Going to Lok Ma Chau is indeed the quicker way. Take the metro from window of the world to Hui Zhan Zhong Xin station then interchange for Line 4 towards Huanggang. After immigration take the KCR to tai wai.