Visiting HKG and city to stay?

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Toronto, Canada

    Visiting HKG and city to stay?

    I will be spending 4-5 days in HKG/Shenzen in July on route to SE Asia. I want to see specific locations in both cities but the emphasis is on shopping. Is it best to stay in Shenzen and take day trips into HKG or vice versa?
    Secondly, HKG friends tell me to avoid HKG in summer. I regularly visit my in laws in malaysia so I am used to heat/humidity. Is HKG much different from say Penang at that time of year?

  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2006
    on the road again
    Quote Originally Posted by neamman:
    I will be spending 4-5 days in HKG/Shenzen in July on route to SE Asia. I want to see specific locations in both cities but the emphasis is on shopping. Is it best to stay in Shenzen and take day trips into HKG or vice versa?
    Secondly, HKG friends tell me to avoid HKG in summer. I regularly visit my in laws in malaysia so I am used to heat/humidity. Is HKG much different from say Penang at that time of year?
    If you're only going to spend one day shopping in Shenzen for fakes, then stay in HK where there is a lot more to do and see, and it's easier/safer for tourists to get around. Or you could spend three days in HK then 2 days in SZ and go back to the airport from there.

    July this year was the most beautiful month of the year, the skies were clear and the weather was super nice. So if you don't mind the humidity, July is fine.