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Manila - safety

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    Quite safe as long as you're not being stupid - specifically flashing cash and drinking in dodgy bars. Normal "under developed country / relatively large poor population" rules of conduct apply.

    Would not worry too much about it - stay in a decent hotel / serviced apartment that has good reviews on tripadvisor etc.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    No issue.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Yuen Long

    Use your common sense and just be aware of your surroundings, especially after a few beers. Lived there for 9mths with no problems.

    aj2012hk likes this.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    May 2006
    Pampanga, Philippines

    As Shri says as long as you are not stupid it is fine. My eldest is off there for the summer for an internship, no concerns.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Hong Kong

    I visit Manila nearly every week (female, often alone). Have done for 10 years. Been mugged once - in a central business district on a busy street in broad daylight. There are certainly places I would not go - basically any small dark alley, which is about 80% of Manila - but provided you keep to the main areas - i.e. wide, well-lit streets with businesses on them - you are usually fine. I recommend staying in the best hotel you can afford - basically because good hotels are cheap and cheap hotels are bad. Makati is probably the safest area to stay. Be careful around Intramuros because being a tourist area you get standard tourist trouble (pick pockets etc). Uber works well. The MRT is safe (use the ladies carriage) but very crowded and often late. But in peak hours, by far the fastest way to get around.

    vmlinuz, hullexile and drumbrake like this.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    May 2006
    Pampanga, Philippines
    Quote Originally Posted by HK_Katherine:
    I visit Manila nearly every week (female, often alone). Have done for 10 years. Been mugged once - in a central business district on a busy street in broad daylight. There are certainly places I would not go - basically any small dark alley, which is about 80% of Manila - but provided you keep to the main areas - i.e. wide, well-lit streets with businesses on them - you are usually fine. I recommend staying in the best hotel you can afford - basically because good hotels are cheap and cheap hotels are bad. Makati is probably the safest area to stay. Be careful around Intramuros because being a tourist area you get standard tourist trouble (pick pockets etc). Uber works well. The MRT is safe (use the ladies carriage) but very crowded and often late. But in peak hours, by far the fastest way to get around.
    Btw Uber have sold SE Asian business to Grab.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    I think the question is why you would want to spend time in Manila.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    I spent a few months in Manila (before Duterte). Got mugged once in broad daylight, but in somewhat seedy neighbourhood. Had to buy a new phone as a result, lots of hassle. Otherwise no issues, but I would stay away unless you have to. Makati / Bonifacio should be OK. Probably... Avoid drugs at all cost, since it's definitely a season of "shoot first, ask questions later".

  9. #9

    Join Date
    May 2006
    Pampanga, Philippines
    Quote Originally Posted by orel100x:
    I spent a few months in Manila (before Duterte). Got mugged once in broad daylight, but in somewhat seedy neighbourhood. Had to buy a new phone as a result, lots of hassle. Otherwise no issues, but I would stay away unless you have to. Makati / Bonifacio should be OK. Probably... Avoid drugs at all cost, since it's definitely a season of "shoot first, ask questions later".
    As usual things need to be kept in perspective. Metro Manila is about twice the size of Hong Kong. Your chances of being the victim of crime are not high. Even if you were selling drugs the probability of being shot is extremely low (a tiny fraction of 1%). I assume the OP will not be doing this anyway.

    Metro crime rate down by nearly a quarter - The Manila Times Online
    juanalias and HK_Katherine like this.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Hong Kong

    When it comes to the Philippines it's better not to listen to locals. Even Wanchai is a war zone for them. I remember first I said I was going to the Philippines my colleagues were like, wow it's so dangerous why you go there.
    Like most developing countries just don't be stupid and flash your valuables. Other than that Manila is a nice place, some cool stuff to do there but traffic is bad. It is getting better. Makati is super safe and has many nice restaurant ( in the green belt mall).

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