German Bierfest 2009 - Oct 31, 2009

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  1. #121

    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Hong Kong

    Thanks Ken for joining us. What a pity couldn't join you for drink at LKF, couldn't stand so many people there and a loooooooooooong walk, took more than one & half hour still couldn't get half way through...we all looked like a worm moving at night in Central..' terrible! LOL!

    Quote Originally Posted by ken_el:
    Thanks Carina, had a great time out! Look forward to our next gathering

  2. #122
    Quote Originally Posted by Blueman:
    All very well, but it always seems to be left to the same folk to do the organising. How about someone else think of an idea and put it into practice?

    C'mon people start thinking proactively instead of waiting for Mr or Ms X to come up with an event for you! :P
    How about going to one of the outlying islands like Cheung Chau or Lamma Island? We can have a seafood feast and now with the weather is cooler, maybe a hike???

    Well that's my 2cents!


  3. #123

    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Hey Angie,

    That's a great idea!! always wanted to go to lamma island !!! I'm in!!!

  4. #124

    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Really wanna thanks Carina for organizing the oktoberfest! It was so much fun!

    And~ it is great to going hiking as Angie suggested! Maybe we should start a new thread talking about that? hehe


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