I have been offered a job in HK with a Cathay Pacific affiliate company. I went to the interview; they flew me up in Business Class from Australia; they wooed me with great living prospects, low tax rate,(very) limited travel benefits, ra ra. Reality kicks in now. I have to manage 25+ people in a call centre (managerial/supervisory ) duties, located in Tsuen Wan. The net salary (after superannuation and private health, but before tax) is HK$40,000 a month
I have some time to reply; but I am hesitant and have been doing research but nothing seems to match! Is HK$40K enough for a single guy to live in HK.. dont even know where (some people have been suggesting Park Island or Tung Chung), minus 14% or so tax. ..Would it be enough to be comfortable, have some money to travel and possibly save
Australian salaries in the same field are lower per month (huge tax) but living standards seem to be higher ...currently living in a nice 3-bedroom townhouse with views. Anyway... any suggestions,comments are welcome. Thanks !!!