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I am looking for someone with a Van to work with me...

Closed Thread
  1. #1

    Exclamation I am looking for someone with a Van to work with me...


    I am looking for someone with a Van or a PickUp who can work in HK without Visa, i.e. a local person.
    Obviously this is a paying job and the person would be hired by the Company where I am working for.


  2. #2

    Why dont you just call one of the van companies. They are quiet convenient. Try 2334 9494 (Ms Wong speaks Chinese), 2789 9999... infact there are so many of them.

    geraldine13100 likes this.

  3. #3

    Do you know a website or something more convenient cauz I don't speack chinese... ??
    Thank you

  4. #4


  5. #5

    Actually I need to meet a driver who could be Ok do a parternship with me.
    I will bring him customers.

    If you know someone, please contact me,

    Best Regards

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Hong Kong
    Quote Originally Posted by geraldine13100:
    Actually I need to meet a driver who could be Ok do a parternship with me.
    I will bring him customers.
    You mean you won't pay him? Good luck with that

  7. #7

    Of course I 'll pay him !!!
    Who could work for free ??

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Try Tony 6341-8555. He's native but can work in HK. He's doing something similar what you're looking for.

    geraldine13100 likes this.

  9. #9

    Oh btw I made a mistake on my earlier post. Ms Wong speaks English. :-)
    Posted via Mobile Device

    geraldine13100 likes this.