I've now spent enough time in the financial industry to find myself on the radar screen of some headhunters. It so happens that I'm quite interested in changing employers, so I have met with a few and been to introductory interviews that they arranged. My early experience has me wondering if these headhunters are
necessarily working in my favor. In one case, I put a lot of effort preparing for an interview, and later discovered that the same headhunter had subsequently arranged for one of my immediate coworkers (who has a slight rivalry with me) to interview for the very same position later in the week. At other times, headhunters have asked me which people at which companies I have already met with, so as to reduce overlap, but now I wonder if they are just trying to discover openings so that they can pitch alternative candidates.
I have now become quite wary. As far as I can tell, these people merely contact the relevant heads of departments at various banks and ask if they'd like to meet someone with my profile. Will I seem desperate, or would I risk some indiscretion if I just contact these people directly without going through a headhunter? I wonder if it would improve my chances if my candidacy didn't come with some hefty headhunters' commissions attached.