salary expectations

Closed Thread
  1. #1

    salary expectations

    my fiancee is a permant resedent in hong kong, and i plan to be moving marrying there etc etc

    what i would like to know if i get the right to work and live thier what is the rough salary for a barperson, for example in TST, or Central
    I can do 95% of all bar related work, from cellarman to manager, so any rough indication would be great

    thanking you in advance

  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2009
    either here nor there

    you be lucky if you get HK$100 an hour my advice is be a pimp you will get a lot more. You might get a better offer in a hotel or a country club. oh if you are white you will get a lot more but not yellow. my free advice for today

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Hong Kong

    Somewhere between HK$28 per hour and HK$30,000 per month depending on what role and how much management responsibility you have. Plus tips if you're lucky.