15 Years Old and in DIRE need of a job!

Closed Thread
  1. #1

    15 Years Old and in DIRE need of a job!

    My name is Sophie and I am a 15 year old student at West island School.
    I am in DYER need of a job.
    If anyone has any suggestions or job offers for a 15 year old girl.
    PLEASE message back or <snip>

    p.s i will do anything such as baby-sitting, tutoring, party planning or if you have any other suggestions please message me.

    Last edited by KnowItAll; 27-12-2007 at 09:03 PM. Reason: no phone numbers please

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Hong Kong

    For future reference, it's spelled "dire." Good luck with the job hunt!

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jul 2005


    Why would a 15year old like you be in a dire need for a job ?

    Here are some suggestions which many of us who have a few years on you have done:

    -what about grafting it at McDonald's ?
    -Dog walking ?
    -stacking shelves at a supermarket.

    Honestly, not sure if putting your personal mobile number details on a forum gives you the best qualifications for baby sitting.

    PM me and I might consider you for looking after my dog on Saturday's.

    Good luck !

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Yuen Long

    McDonalds etc won't employ you until you are 16.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    Drop me a line on [email protected] ... we might have some data entry work depending on your schedules.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Sai Kung

    you still have it spelled wrong...

    good luck with the job hunt.

  7. #7

    well i need a job because i need money pretty much. LOL.
    and i need the money because i am going on WORLD CHALLENGE in summer 2009.

  8. #8

    Is the world challenge for charity, holiday or advancement? Have you thought of sponsorship or doing it through charity organisation? If you can set up official sponsorship website, will be happy to sponsor you.

  9. #9

    World challenge is mostly charity work, you could consider it as a holiday but there is a lot of physical working.
    I have also been looking for sponsership but I'm not quite sure how you set up an official sponsership website.