I'll keep the first part of the update short, but I have not found a job yet. Been doing my thing in searching for jobs and touching base back with the companies and recruiters to see if there are any updates. So far, no go. I'll keep doing my thing and checking from that aspect.
I did go to my first networking event and I want to share a bit about that. For me, my biggest hesitation to going to these things is that I dont know what to expect. Talking to strangers, not knowing the format, not sure if it is okay to say "I need a job," etc etc. I feel that others here might have similar or same hesitation, so I want to shed some light on how it was and encourage any one to go and it wasn't that scary.
I went to the monthly networking drinks that the American Chamber hosts. Basically, it's in a big open room. Once you go in there, you simply start talking to people. No format, no structure, just go and chat. It's okay to join other's conversations. It's as if every one expects it. Shake hands, introduce yourself, exchange business cards. I felt comfortable saying that I am currently looking for a job. A lot of the members told me that this is the best place to find a job. A lot of them gave me tips on how to get in to my industry, I got 1 introduction, and I got a couple of people who told me to send them my CV. We chit chatted about my hometown a bit.
We talked for a few minutes, and when you feel it is time to go, just move on to the next group and butt in their conversation and talk. There were some people who obviously dont have much to add, but a wish of good luck. And that is fine too. You feel a lot of support. Although I was probably the only one looking for a job, every one was doing the same thing, networking and chatting it up, so I felt fine the entire evening.
Overall, it was a great event. To me, networking was a bit scary, but I enjoyed it just because everyone was so friendly. No one promised me anything and I wont expect it, but every one seemed so genuine that I enjoyed meeting new people. I know for me, if I did everything I could to find a job (online searching, recruiters, networking), then last case I have to go back to the states, I wont have any regrets.
If any one is nervous aboug gonig to these events, and have questions, please feel free to ask. I plan to go to more of those events as I see them, and will look in to the canadian chamber, and other nationalities just to see what's available. If any one wants to go together, I"m all for it.
Wear a suit