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  • 1 Post By Miaofromcali

investment banking in HK

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  1. #1

    investment banking in HK

    hi all, i'm a junior banker whos worked in canada for 3-4 years in the M&A for a mid market boutique. Im currently looking to explore job opportunities in HK in the same industry - sellside. any recommendations which IB or international boutique have:
    - global standard pay
    - good work life balance
    - limited chinese capabilites
    - good culture

    Of course - understanding banking is very demanding (esp in hk) these factors are all relative from bank to bank. Any advise is much appreciated

  2. #2

    If you want to do M&A in HK you need to know Mando. I say more than 90% of companies trying to list here is from mainland. There is a reason why all the IB and Research guys are mainlanders/speakers. Pay here is decent and comparable. If your boss is a deal maker, expect huge Bonus.

    Good work life balance- lol you are in the wrong industry. junior monkeys work 80-90 per week. Expect work on weekends.

    Chinese - you gotta know Mando and mainland culture. If you don’t you won’t make it very far in this side of banking here in hk.

    Culture- this is banking. Expect backstabbing and competitive colleagues. But like all jobs depends on the team and the culture there.

    If you are aiming to come here try to get in a bulge bracket. you will be moving down slowly if you are not a deal maker. I recommend sales instead of IB. Much more better life style and you don’t really need Chinese that much. Pay won’t be as great and you won’t ever have the chance to get into fund or PE but at least you won’t die from overwork.

    foxwendal likes this.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Depends...will help if you can speak Mandarin, though alot of companies really want excellent communicators, native Chinese cant do that in English. In terms of salary will depend, but with only 4 years experience its not that much really and you will not have any niche. Singapore may be a better option than transfer after a few years to HK if you have your heart set on HK. Dont trust recruitment agents, contacts banks directly. Pay and Conditions will vary greatly, aim for net vs net in terms of salary.