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CV clinics/help with CV

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2019

    CV clinics/help with CV

    Does anyone know any recruiters or agencies who can help with the CV?

    I'm a data scientist with 12 years experience, holding a QMAS visa, and I have been working in Hong Kong for 4 years. I lost my last job because my company shut down their Hong Kong office. Now I am being ghosted by every single recruiter, even ones who have been chasing me in the past.

    I'm not sure what to do, but I am really thinking that there must be something wrong with my CV, or maybe I am on some kind of blacklist? Is there any way to find out?

    My Chinese is very limited, which I'm sure disqualifies me for lots of roles. But at my previous two jobs there were plenty of other non-Chinese speaking foreigners, many of whom appeared to be getting paid huge amounts of money, so I don't think that can be the entire problem.

    I'm looking for a professional recruiter in the right sort of area who can review my CV. Maybe there are paid services, but I don't know where to look.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    A few thoughts in no particular order...

    Is there any reason why you'd be on a blacklist... or anything particularly toxic about the way your last place shut down? Seems unlikely to be the cause honestly.

    “data scientist” covers a huge spectrum of roles and skills, and it would be helpful if you could share more.

    Does the way your CV is pitched get across your profile, experience, skills and (most importantly) the nature of your past roles and the deliveries/key accomplishments clearly and concisely?

    Financial services has been driving a lot of data science recruitment/growth in recent years, and that sector is very much into cost control right now which means there are a lot of candidates chasing very few good vacancies in multiple areas.

    utkonos9, hullexile and hin23leung like this.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    May 2009

    Google gives you this as an option

    utkonos9 likes this.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Try ChatGTP. Ask it to analyze your CV in the context of XX role then ask it to reformat it according to more current industry standards (2021 unless you get pro).

    drumbrake and irisboards like this.

  5. #5

    Dont waste time and money on CV writers.

    Just keep it simple......have 4 or 5 bullet points at the top of CV that directly show the value you can add to the next company.

    IS there too much detail? Too many pages? Personally i would limit to 2 pages for the complete CV. Key is to show the achievements and the value you bring (not just describe what you have done).

    As @Peaky hinted, best to focus on finance / insurance areas as these hire more of the non-chinese speakers in this area.

    hullexile and JAherbert like this.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Getting your CV done is worth doing but it’ll get you noticed then the leads turn cold.

    I’ve had mine professionally rewritten twice albeit in the UK.

    Employers don’t like holes in peoples CV what have you been doing in the past year?

    Filling up your time with something work related would help, I.e taking Cantonese lessons, volunteering/networking etc

    Plus HK is pretty much who you know not what you know, Nepotism is rife here

    utkonos9 likes this.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    local fire hydrant

    Check out Matt Chung from Elevation Career. He's an excellent, very experienced tech recruiter who has made many senior placements with GS and other top IBs. He's now gone into career coaching. He should be able to sort you out. He's based in Hong Kong.
    shri and utkonos9 like this.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    @utkonos9 some years ago my employer closed and as part of their closing, they offered me consultation help to prepare my CV and apply for other jobs. I was assigned this guy (who didn't specialize at all in my field). He was a fantastic coach. He somehow made me feel uplifted. My ideal job was soon advertised and I applied, got an interview, and the next day by 8 am was told I got the job. I felt he helped me a lot. It seems according to Linkedin he's doing something slightly different now, but may be worthwhile to reach out to him and see if you could pay him privately to do some consultation work.

    In comparison, I've reached out to the university career services where I am now doing some professional development (in another country now), and I don't find the consultant helpful at all -- I feel she's trying to be helpful for me, but I always feel discouraged by her, like my CV is never "right" or "good enough", whereas I feel Benjamin always had my back and was really helping guide me the right way. I feel he practically told me how to get to where I needed to be. (And incidentally, how he said to write a cover letter is really different from the current lady and yet I feel I never quite "get" what she's trying to tell me to do.... ).

    shri and Tom007 like this.