Summer Job in Hong Kong

Closed Thread
  1. #1

    Summer Job in Hong Kong

    I know it is awkward to ask such a question here. But does anyone have any information about summer job recruitment in H.K.??

    I was a H.K. local and now living in Canada, first yr university student. I really want to spend this summer in H.K. but I am not allowed to unless I have a summer job there. So, any info would be appreciated. (I know right now is a bad time.)

    p.s. I know i can get a job from McDonald but it would be the last step I would like to take.......

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Hong Kong

    it maybe a bit late for most summer internships as most uni students are about doing their exams now and probably applied months ago...

    jobsdb is probably the best site for internships, or if you have friends at hong kong universities, they have a uni network called JIJIS which students can log on and there are more opportunities aimed specifically at uni students.

    if you are ok with working at Mcdonalds, then you should be ok doing anything... so just apply for anything and everything! haha!

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    you could write to hotels to ask for an internship...

  4. #4

    thanks for the detail guys, I would never think of that~
    I asked a few friends in HK and it seems like there are still plenty of space for teens, the low-payment one.

    thanks again~