CV Writing/Reworking Services Needed

Closed Thread
  1. #1

    Smile CV Writing/Reworking Services Needed

    This is my first post on here, and I wanted to start off by saying hello to everyone. I have been a member on this site for a little while now, and I really enjoy reading the dicussions on here. :-)

    So now to the same issue a lot of people in my field of work (IT) seem to be in, lack of a job. Well that is not entirely true as I am currently working as a contractor for an overseas company (12am - 8am HK time working hours which are a bit challenging). To be honest the pay is decent, but I feel the need to get into the Hong Kong work environment so I can start networking professionally.

    I have been applying jobs locally off and on since my wife and I moved here from Canada early this year. But it would seem that like most other IT professionals I have only had a few companies call me back to ask if I spoke Cantonese or not and as soon as I say I do not they say thank you and hang up. So after reading some of the "Working in Hong Kong" section a bit today I have come to the conslusion that my resume must be lacking the HK touch so to speak.

    So my question is, are there any companies/individuals that you have worked with that offer resume writing or reworking services that you would recommend?

    Also as a side note, does having a solid 10 years experience in the IT sector (5 of those starting/running a successfull IT consulting company in Canada and the other 5 working at the manager level in software development in the retail/wholesale sector) but with no MBA or that high level of qualifications really limit my job opportunities in Hong Kong?

    You comments are really appreciated.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    I think it might not the resume issue at all. You are not dissimilar to others in HK with similar backgrounds. I am not sure but I am thinking that the work group language in IT is Cantonese here and that is the block you might be facing unless you get to a senior level.

    Networking and shopping that resume is a good idea of course and if you manage hit some groups like Web Wednesday. Not sure they fit your work hours.

    Hit some of the IT firms with your resume and maybe even an IT recruitment outfit who will give you feedback on your resume.

    Last edited by Football16; 03-05-2010 at 06:27 PM.

  3. #3

    Hi Football16,

    Thanks for the comments, I think nothing beats local networking so I think you are quite right there. What exactly is Web Wednesday?

    As for the recruiters, I have talked to a couple and they all seem flakey to be honest. I think if they are not able to quickly post you somewhere they do not give you much time. I suppose if I had a strong financial IT background I would have a better chance. :-)

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyRay:
    Hi Football16,

    Thanks for the comments, I think nothing beats local networking so I think you are quite right there. What exactly is Web Wednesday?

    As for the recruiters, I have talked to a couple and they all seem flakey to be honest. I think if they are not able to quickly post you somewhere they do not give you much time. I suppose if I had a strong financial IT background I would have a better chance. :-)

    Check your PM ... WebWednesday event is on tomorrow. Will send details via PM.

    You are right on flakey it seems.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Hong Kong

    CV Writing/Reworking Services Needed

    Hi Ray,

    Am I too late to suggest you this CV writing website?

    Stepping Stone to Career Excellence - Home


    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyRay:
    This is my first post on here, and I wanted to start off by saying hello to everyone. I have been a member on this site for a little while now, and I really enjoy reading the dicussions on here. :-)

    So now to the same issue a lot of people in my field of work (IT) seem to be in, lack of a job. Well that is not entirely true as I am currently working as a contractor for an overseas company (12am - 8am HK time working hours which are a bit challenging). To be honest the pay is decent, but I feel the need to get into the Hong Kong work environment so I can start networking professionally.

    I have been applying jobs locally off and on since my wife and I moved here from Canada early this year. But it would seem that like most other IT professionals I have only had a few companies call me back to ask if I spoke Cantonese or not and as soon as I say I do not they say thank you and hang up. So after reading some of the "Working in Hong Kong" section a bit today I have come to the conslusion that my resume must be lacking the HK touch so to speak.

    So my question is, are there any companies/individuals that you have worked with that offer resume writing or reworking services that you would recommend?

    Also as a side note, does having a solid 10 years experience in the IT sector (5 of those starting/running a successfull IT consulting company in Canada and the other 5 working at the manager level in software development in the retail/wholesale sector) but with no MBA or that high level of qualifications really limit my job opportunities in Hong Kong?

    You comments are really appreciated.