This is my first post on here, and I wanted to start off by saying hello to everyone. I have been a member on this site for a little while now, and I really enjoy reading the dicussions on here. :-)
So now to the same issue a lot of people in my field of work (IT) seem to be in, lack of a job. Well that is not entirely true as I am currently working as a contractor for an overseas company (12am - 8am HK time working hours which are a bit challenging). To be honest the pay is decent, but I feel the need to get into the Hong Kong work environment so I can start networking professionally.
I have been applying jobs locally off and on since my wife and I moved here from Canada early this year. But it would seem that like most other IT professionals I have only had a few companies call me back to ask if I spoke Cantonese or not and as soon as I say I do not they say thank you and hang up. So after reading some of the "Working in Hong Kong" section a bit today I have come to the conslusion that my resume must be lacking the HK touch so to speak.
So my question is, are there any companies/individuals that you have worked with that offer resume writing or reworking services that you would recommend?
Also as a side note, does having a solid 10 years experience in the IT sector (5 of those starting/running a successfull IT consulting company in Canada and the other 5 working at the manager level in software development in the retail/wholesale sector) but with no MBA or that high level of qualifications really limit my job opportunities in Hong Kong?
You comments are really appreciated.