I recently moved to Hong Kong and had my visa sponsored by a local company. I really like working here and loving Hong Kong so far. The problem is my salary - i took a bit of a pay cut to move here, which was fine , as i saw it as a foot in the door as it were.
When i was hired i was told that i was on going to have to take a slight step back on the level i was coming in at (hence the smaller salary) as the role i was after didn't match any positions here, however i am actually doing the work i would have done at the level i was after, and in fact it looks like i will be taking on even more which should warrant a larger salary, and actually a new job title.
I'm happy to do the work for a what i deserve for it, but no way am i doing it for nothing and being expected to do it for the salary i'm currently on (plus minimal holidays!).
So my question is about negotiating a higher salary - what is the best way to do this in Hong Kong? If it makes a difference the management is western, not local. Ultimately i would like either to get a higher salary/package and job title that matches my job...
Any thoughts would be great!!