Well according to the flyers for Pokka Cafe and buono nuobo that are opening inside JUSCO.
Untitled Document
No dates other than Summer for Ikea, and that there will be a restaurant for 300 Swedish meatball fans.
The preparation inside MegaBox has been pretty bad, from flooding to simply having several floors boarded up and everything looking vacant. A few restaurants have likewise opened up around MegaBox in the new Enterprise tower but nothing overly exciting, a Thai food restaurant of some description, a cheap lunch hall, and some kind of organic food eatery.
No signs whether this means Pokka are moving out of Telford and buono nuobo & JUSCO out of APM. A high class cake shop moved out of JUSCO in APM already but I think it was replaced by a local cake shop owner.
(edit) According to the JUSCO site the supermarket is open already,