Heatlhy yogurt in small packages.

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  1. #1

    Heatlhy yogurt in small packages.

    I eat pretty healthy and I find most small cups of yogurt (especially the ones with fruit in them) to be too sweet. I work very near the Oliver's in Prince's Building and was wondering if you guys could recommend some brands of yogurt that are:

    1) Unsweetened or not as sweet
    2) Comes in a small package so I can buy a fresh one at work every time I want to eat it
    3) Would prefer if it isn't Greek yogurt since there is usually higher fat content in that.


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    I assume you've inspected the entire range at Olivers and not found what you wanted. Not entirely convenient for you, but CitySuper in IFC has a good range of yoghurts. They do a french one which I think is called Le Bulle which is good. Some nice German ones there too.

  3. #3

    Well here's the deal: I haven't inspected every yogurt at Olivers but I've looked at a lot of them. Basically what I want is one of those Stoneyfield or Horizon plain yogurts but in a small package (they usually come in a tub that is about 4-6 times the size of a small yogurt cup). If you look at the nutritional facts given the same serving size the plain yogurt has about half the amount of calories and a lot less sugar. I'd much rather add my own fruit to it afterwards since I find the smaller cup non-plain yogurts too sweet. If they have what I want at City Super...I don't mind making the trek.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    I like the soya yoghurt in citysuper, very tasty and not sweet. LEmon flavour is the best ! Hehehe

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    I ussed to LOVE yogurt, but i find them so expensive in HK compared to Europe.
    Are there any places or brands that are cheaper?

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Sarcasm - because beating the crap out of people is illegal

    If you want foreign yoghurts, you have to pay for the transportation from overseas, which are factored into the costs. Also, far fewer people in Hong Kong eat yoghurt compared with western countries. So, there isn't the advantage of volume discounts.

    The cheaper ones are the "local" ones, e.g. Dairy Farm. But again, these are not eaten in the large numbers they are in western countries so production is smaller, costs are higher. A barge pole isn't long enough for these, imo...

    We buy the good quality larger pots and freeze any we think we're not going to eat in a couple of days. Voila! Frozen yoghurt. (Yeah, okay the texture's a bit different but I can take them to the office to eat.)

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by big_apple_ken:
    Well here's the deal: I haven't inspected every yogurt at Olivers but I've looked at a lot of them. Basically what I want is one of those Stoneyfield or Horizon plain yogurts but in a small package (they usually come in a tub that is about 4-6 times the size of a small yogurt cup). If you look at the nutritional facts given the same serving size the plain yogurt has about half the amount of calories and a lot less sugar. I'd much rather add my own fruit to it afterwards since I find the smaller cup non-plain yogurts too sweet. If they have what I want at City Super...I don't mind making the trek.

    I usually buy the plain French yoghurts (still not sure about the name - Le bulle, I think). I was in CitySuper a couple of days ago and they weren't in stock, although they do have flavoured versions. If cost isn't a major issue, there are some plain sheep's milk yoghurts in small pots there (I think around HK$29/pot). Go and have a look, you should find what you're looking for there.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Oh, and many supermarkets like Wellcome stock Paul's brand of yoghurt in small pots.