Something to put between a moka pot and my stove

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2010

    Something to put between a moka pot and my stove

    I want to get a moka pot but the burner grate on my stove is too wide to accommodate it, so I'm looking for something I can put in between to keep the pot steady while it heats up.

    After a quick search, i found these heat diffusers or reducer trivets on the internet but i don't know where to get them in HK.

    Any other ideas for what else i could use would be appreciated. I am currently thinking of going to the hardware store to check if they have any kind of mesh wire thing i can use for this purpose.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2010


    I had no luck at the hardware store and the closest thing I've found so far is one of those steam tray's for cooking dumplings.