Clothes Shopping in Hong Kong

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Houston, TX

    Clothes Shopping in Hong Kong

    Hey Everyone,

    I just moved to Hong Kong a few days ago and am having a hard time finding clothing stores in my price range. I have either seen very expensive designer clothing stores or very cheap, not quite my style clothing. I looking for somehing in the middle- like Gap or around the same price range. Can anyone reccomend stores or a shopping mall I might find these.
    I'm also going to need maternity clothes soon too, does anyone know where to find them?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2003

    H&M - Queens Road Central and Elements Mall (have maternity wear as well)
    Zara - IFC2 and Elements Mall
    Mango - IFC 2, Pacific Place
    M&S for the basics

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Hong Kong

    For maternity wear - check on GeoBaby.Com

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    In addition to the suggestions in posts above, you can try some of the Japanese department stores, like Sogo. There is also a mall in Tai Koo Shing that has some reasonably priced stores with decent quality clothing. And there are various Esprit and Giordano stores around, which are sort of HK GAP equivalents. Giordano makes some good basics. There is a huge mall in Times Square (10 more stories) that has a variety of stores that are in the low to mid-price range. Harbor City mall is similar. For maternity wear, there are some boutiques in the mid-levels and Causeway Bay that are not too expensive, with cute stuff.

  5. #5

    The problem is everyone is wearing H&M Mango and Zara, particularly if you associate closely with expats,
    I've lived in HK all my life and have always had problems trying to find really good clothes-I am not into the Hong Kong style in which case there are plenty of clothes (there IS a style but I am not fond of it). I find buying clothes overseas has always served me well.