TVB Shop Locations

Closed Thread
  1. #1

    TVB Shop Locations

    Hey everyone,
    My friend will be going to Hong Kong shortly. He wants to buy some tvb series and he wants to go to the official TVB Shops. I know he can buy tvb series from other media shops but he wants to get them from the official TVB Shop. How many official TVB Shops are there in Hong Kong and can you give me their addresses? Thank you.


  2. #2

    Please please, can anyone in Hong Kong call TVB and ask them for the addresses of the Official Tvb Shops for me? I desperately need it. The TVB ESHOP website is no longer working so i don't have a clue how to contact them. And i cant read the chinese in that well. Please can anyone help out. Thank you.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Hong Kong

    In the absence of any other information, try calling these guys:
    TVB Publications Ltd
    Tseung Kwan O Industrial Estate Tseung Kwan O
    Tel: 2335 1178

    (info from Customer Support / Directories / 1081 Directory Inquiries)

    Last edited by PDLM; 25-02-2008 at 05:11 PM.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    Not sure about official shops, but there are plenty of DVD shops where you can buy legit DVDs in and around various parts of HK.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    TVB eShop has closed, as of 1st Jan 2008, according to the cached page.

    Alternatively just order from YesAsia which seems to have a decent selection.

  6. #6

    Let me explain why i need the Tvb Specialist or Official Shop. It will definitely have more series titles to be sold. The other media shops to me act like a supermarket....meaning they might not have as many Tvb Titles selling and might not have the old titles that he wants. By going the the TVB Store, he has higher chance to get more titles. This is same principle as the Nokia Store. When my cousin came from China, he said there wasn't any Nokia 6500 Slide left in the Broadway shops he went to. But then he forgot to check the the nokia shops for it. If he had checked, he might have found it. His slight error caused me to buy the phone from another country and consequently, delayed my purchase for many many months. I hope you all understand what i mean. My friend is visiting Hong Kong and i want him to get all the things he wants. Thank you for the advice

    Last edited by soccercop; 25-02-2008 at 05:58 PM.

  7. #7

    I have thought of ordering the tvb series online. I have checked Yesasia already and it is a good website. I also found some tvb series in ebay and other websites. My idea is to let my friend go to Hong Kong TVB Official Shop and get as many titles as he can. If he can't find the titles he want, he would then order them online.


  8. #8

    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    My idea is to let my friend go to Hong Kong TVB Official Shop and get as many titles as he can.
    Well I wish him good luck as there are no TVB shops in Hong Kong - this I confirmed with my local colleagues who are more inclined to watch/buy/rent locally produced Cantonese-language TVB series which they get at their fav stores.

    Original Video has a good (genuine) selection of local titles but I don't whether it has TVB series. Perhaps call them?
    Original Video

  9. #9

    Thank you for helping out. All along i thought that TVB had an official store like Nokia. Even Manchester United has its official store in Malaysia. But i don't know why TVB doesn't have it. In my view, it would have made tourists easier to shop for series as it will have all the series from 80s to today. i was thinking that if tvb had its own store, i would ask my friend to buy some mini badges for my shirt. Badges can be TVB logo badges and the 40th anniversary badges if there were any. now i have to tell my friend to check out the HK local shops for series. i tell him to start from Original Video first...because my friend will be staying in Kowloon. He will land in Hong Kong on the 4th of march. This is a great forum. Thank you all for your help.
