celestial seasonings tea

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Tin Hause

    celestial seasonings tea

    Park and Shop seems to have drop Celestial Seasonings tea, and life without their Peppermint and Sleepy time just wont be the same...

    Anyone know another stockist?

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Kowloon HK

    Sad to hear that, Meerkat, as I also used to get the same brand of peppermint tea and chamomile bedtime-mix, but have had to settle for the Twinnings herbal line instead - quite pricey and somewhat less flavourfull here too(!)... so usually get my supply via friends/relatives whenever they visit

    Have you tried looking for Celestial S. at CitySuper, 360, or Apita (Tai Koo)? I know Jusco doesn't stock it though. Good luck.