Where can I buy 2000 Calorie Mascara by Maxfactor?

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  1. #11

    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Hong Kong
    Quote Originally Posted by Claire ex-ax:
    Anyway, this mascara isn't waterproof, right? I don't like waterproof.
    You mean that you want everyone to know about it when you're feeling a little sad?

  2. #12

    I now know that they sell the non-waterproof kind here.

    I was walking by the Mannings in IFC and found the Mascara there as well. They didn't have my colour, which is rich black, but they had regular black. Beggers can't be choosers. So, I picked up 5 of them.

    The reason why I like it is bcs it thickens, lengthens, curls (if you buy the curled brush), doesn't clump, doesn't flake, doesn't melt when you are sweating and the price is right.

    I know everyone has there own favourites, I'm just saying this is mine

    (why do I have a feeling that when I go back to these stores, the mascaras are going to be sold out!)