Redoxon has too much sodium and is synthetic Vit C.
Trying this at the moment and like it alot.
Pomegranate Blueberry BioKefir™ Immunity - Lifeway Kefir
Well here is some free advice from a health expert. Balanced diet.
Reminds me of a friend who has pulled his kid out of our local school because the teachers are no good and moved her to a school costing three times as much. He is also paying for additional tutoring. I spend an hour a day going through the kids homework with them checking they understand and explaining what they don't. Costs nothing. Guess which kids are doing best?
Instead of throwing money at something spend some time sorting out the root cause. If you feel your diet is lacking then change it rather than buying supplements.
I spent hours picking gooseberries as a kid. We sold them at our gate. Hate the little buggers. So man scratches!