I always load up at Elegant Tang Dynasty, they have a store in Tsim Sha Tsui selling budget souvenirs in bulk. I am generally bringing back things for an older and predominantly female population. I get all kinds of embroidered change purses, pouches on a string that can hold a phone, embroidered lipstick holders with mirrors, etc. I buy an enormous pile and distribute among the residents and staff of my mother's retirement community. I spend about 100 dollars US, and have enough for at least 40 people to get something. There are nicer handmade embroidery places in Stanley market but do not underestimate the appeal of this kind of thing, even among younger women. Elegant Tang Dynasty sells in quantities of about 8 to 10 of whatever, all different colors, and recipients pick their favorite.
They used to have stores in Wan Chai and Central, along with the Peak but then the pandemic...it still says that they are in Mirador Mansion but they are not, they are near that mall. I have bought from them for years, also nice embroidered t-shirts but I wasn't looking for them last time so I don't know if they still have them.