can anyone recommended speaker cables and interconnects for higher entry level/mid range system?
It's for my friend's system, he has aquired good cd player dcd-1500, nad amp ( pretty good), tube ampilfier ( will test if sounds warm, may not use it) as well as ok rogers speakers recently, however, with mediocre speaker cables and interconnectors,
any recommended brands good at reasonable prices ( aroung HK$50/70 per metre ) and some inconnectors ( around HK$300-HK$400)
I think they don't mind japanese, austrailian, us or even euro brands
Personally, I'm using a cable talk monitor 2/3 ( cost 50quid, but discontinued as well as pricey in hk) as well as qed silver anniversary ( at 5.50quid per metre in uk , but u think its triple the price in hk) using marantz cd67 se, marantz pm67 se and mission 773i
They listen to light rock/indie, dance, all sorts, even canto pop.