Do you guys know any fresh beef stalls who would deliver to Discovery Bay. Here in DB, it's impossible for me to find Fresh Beef. Only chilled Australian cuts at Fusion. Please let me know.....
Take care
Do you guys know any fresh beef stalls who would deliver to Discovery Bay. Here in DB, it's impossible for me to find Fresh Beef. Only chilled Australian cuts at Fusion. Please let me know.....
Take care
Yo Shaf,
Why dont u just take the bus to Tung Chung and go to the wet markets there. The wet markets will definitely have fresh beef.
I used to use Tenderloin Fine Food Ltd a lot (well every couple of months as I purchased in bulk.
Ask yourself this question.
Do you REALLY want to eat Chinese produced Beef products ???
For beef to be delicious it has to be aged with a good % of fat , which is why I LOVE the supermarkets who discount to death steaks that turn dark red, especially the scrummy Japanese stuff with good marbling.
Why do people want to eat fresh beef that you should really be repairing your shoes with and has enough chemicals in it to permit a non surgical sex change.
just a piddly little point; fresh bovine meat here is almost all buffalo meat.
For any doubters just go to a wet market and have at look at the discarded skulls and try and spot the non water buffalo.
Aged dairy cattle make up the rest.
So to get real cow meat your best bet would be chilled or frozen.
Taste will home deliver.
Pop over to a shop, fill up your cart with Kobe Beef or whatever and get them to deliver.
The only thing I miss about the Uk is the meat - joint of pork (with the skin on), beef, lamb and chicken with lots of meat on it. oh, and back bacon (not smoked), cheddar cheese that has lots of flavour and doesn't taste like rubber, good quality sausages...........
Why am I here!
The Japanese dept store in Causeway Bay called SOGA? OR SOBU? OR WHAT? HAS A BASEMENT SUPERMARKET,IT HAS ALL KIND OF BEEF FROM jAPANESE TO Canadian to USA to Australia.
thanks for the reply guys,
Boris, I understand your point. even there are planty of Australian cuts available in Discovery Bay. But everything depends on the cooking region. I mostly like to cook in Srilankan style as I am from there. I also cook in Indian style as well. And the Australian frozen or chilled beef tastes different once it's cooked. thay are lovely to stew for stakes and rosted and what not. But when cooked into curry, it doesn't blend at all for me. Thats why I use the fresh beef. They are lovely for curries and other Asian recipes, at least for me..... take good care guys and keep in touch..............
By the way, I found a fresh meat stall who delivers to Discovery Bay if purchased above 10 catty. Still for me it's worth it. it's a shop called "Kun Tao Beef Co." take care.....
Last edited by myshaafi; 19-04-2009 at 11:45 PM.