off the peg vs. tailor made suits?

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    off the peg vs. tailor made suits?

    Hi everyone, I need some advice!
    I'm going to be working in HK in a month (or so) time!
    I've not worked in a while and my body shape has changed (thinner!) so need to update my work wardrobe.

    I understand from other threads that you can make reasonably priced tailor made suits in HK (I also remember I made one 12yrs ago...colour was a bit weird I must say...).
    Anyway, a big issue I have is that I'm no suit expert and so have no clue about cuts, materials, colour, etc.
    Does it still make sense to get a tailor made suits or would an off the peg make more sense?

    In addition, a question about the humidity and how that impacts the material you choose in HK.
    Would the off the peg suits be tailored for the HK market (lighter/thinner material, etc)?

    Or is this one reason why tailor made suits could make more sense?

    Any advice would be appreciated!

    p.s. Do off the peg suit shops have Autumn/Fall sales?

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Clear Water Bay (In Da Jungle)

    Go to Hollywood center in Mong Kok, 2 floors of suits / shoes etc, Material comes in thin and thick (depending on when u going to wear it). the have off the peg and also can tailor make the suit for you and it wont cost you an arm and a leg.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Hey wtbhotia,
    Thanks for your advice!
    I'll check out the place once I get to HK.