On several occasions I bought items promoted at a lower price for 2.
On every occasion I had to call for the manager to manually enter the discounted price, as they just ignore it until you complain.
Very annoying.
On several occasions I bought items promoted at a lower price for 2.
On every occasion I had to call for the manager to manually enter the discounted price, as they just ignore it until you complain.
Very annoying.
Yes, it pays to watch the checkout display when your stuff is being swiped at supermarkets here.
Having said that, I've also had quite a few occasions where the price charged was less than the price displayed on the shelf, so it does work both ways.
I don't think there's generally any intent, I think it's just that they changes prices and special offers so frequently here that there are bound to be glitches between the display and the computer occasionally.