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  • 1 Post By MovingIn07

Ladies clothes shopping - recommendations?

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2010

    Ladies clothes shopping - recommendations?


    I've just moved here from the UK and wondered which shops were good for clothes shopping. I don't mean designer/pricy goods - just high street prices and styles? I mainly need casual clothing as I brought a lot of work clothes with me, but am open to suggestions for all kinds.

    Obviously, I can seek out M & S, H & M etc myself....

    Also - can someone update me as to how sizing works here? I'm a UK size 12.....but have no idea what size to pick up in the shops here?


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Hey Try the ladies market at Mong Kok, thought the night market starts around 6pm till 10pm.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Gold Coast Marina

    You will struggle, even as a tiny size 12, here. M&S is fine obviously, but in other places you will probably fit into their 'Large' or 'extra large' only. Stanley has some shops aimed at expats which stock normal sizes, otherwise, what I have been recommended (I'm a size 10/12) is to take my favourite clothes to Shenzhen and get them copied. I tried it last weekend, took a dress and a skirt for starters. First you pick your fabric in a huge fabric market (that was fun - huge selection); then you pick a tailor (or wait until one picks you!); then you hand over your dress, negotiate a price and they send it back in a few days (mine took a week). It arrived this morning and I'm at work, so all I can confirm is that my existing clothes and the right number of new clothes arrived home and 'look ok' according to my (very fussy) husband. Will confirm later if they fit!!!

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  4. #4

    Join Date
    May 2010

    Perhaps I should just diet haha!

    I'm actually going to Shenzhen next weekend, so I think I'm going to give your suggestion a sounds fun and will be quite a cool way to expand my wardrobe!

    I hope that when you get home tonight that your new purchases are all ok for you!

    Thank you.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Gold Coast Marina

    Well they fit exactly like the ones I took in to be copied and the workmanship is good, so I'm happy.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Cotton on in central is also good for casual stuff! bit like H and M.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    May 2010

    I don't know what style suits you, but I would recommend walking around Mong Kok. There are tons of stores that sell Korean/Jap influenced clothing, but some of it even I find are too "lolita" and "girly".

    BUT, if you're into that girly look, its a great place to go. Plus, its cheap.

    If you're not into that kind of look, you can try the bigger mall, Langham Place.

    You can also try (its a store name) aka. I.T for higher end styles.

    I recommend walking around Mong Kok and getting a feel for what the area has to offer. Langham is in Mong Kok as well, with an H&M inside if all else fails. There's a Fred Perry store and an I.T / Double Park store inside Langham, plus a street level one in MK area to check out. I don't remember the exact intersection, but its a huge store on a corner painted black with big billboards all over.

    Good luck.

  8. #8

    There's a Uniqlo opposite Times Square in the same building as California Fitness. Love their jeans and very reasonably priced.