Has anybody got any recommendations on furniture / household goods / personal effects storage in Hong Kong?
My family is still back overseas and I have a three bedroom apartment full of stuff. I have queen sized bed, kitchen tables, desks, bookshelves, etc is not easy to move myself.
I had a look at some of the box storage companies, as you seem to have to load/unload the gogovan yourself.
I have a month left on the lease (already put in the two months notice).
We are still debating if the family may come back this year, or next year, or not at all.
I am thinking about putting most of the goods into storage and renting a serviced apartment or stay in a hotel for the 6 or 7 weeks I will be in Hong Kong, before going back home for holidays with the family for 5 weeks. I had a quick look at some apartments, but not sure if I can commit to a year at this stage.