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  • 1 Post By Peaky

HK -> UK move: typical shipping time

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Aug 2019

    HK -> UK move: typical shipping time

    We're moving to the UK soonish and trying to plan what we take with us on the plane and what we load into a container.

    We actually don't have a huge amount to send in terms of furniture / clothes, but it's things like my desktop computer that I'm not sure whether I should check in to the plane or wait a few weeks/months (?) for it to arrive.

    So what's the general view now of how long it takes to get things shipped over to the UK? A few weeks? Months? If it doesn't take all that long then I will be willing to live without certain items, or to just borrow my family's laptop for the time being.

    Also - did anyone just leave their stuff in storage before they left, and let the moving company pick it up direct from storage without supervision? Is this typical or not advisable?


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Definitely months for container shipping... two to three depending on how disrupted shipping gets by China's little experiment.

    If you don't have a company picking up the tab you probably want to think very carefully about whether it is worth taking furniture or indeed just about anything else with a low weight/size to value ratio. It might well be cheaper to just buy new in the UK.

    I'd just stick the PC into a solid a suitcase and pad around it with clothes or towels. The fewer fragile stickers you put on it the less the ground crew will play shot put with it. If you have any really expensive components take them out and put them in your hand luggage.

    ndt likes this.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Sorry no one else with relevant has added further comments.