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Leaving HK, 2 years left in CSL contract - any advice?

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  1. #11

    Join Date
    Feb 2023

    Thx guys - quick update, I used their WhatsApp chat, got through to an agent that immediately suggested applying to convert to an annual plan which works out much cheaper (~HKD 500/yr), they need the one-way ticket, end of employment record and an overseas phone number. Might just do this.

    Chekki, paddylast and emx like this.

  2. #12

    Join Date
    Jun 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by paddylast:
    I remember a number of years ago when I left the old country I had about a year remaining on an internet contract with Vodafone.
    Did you mean the old country "Germany"? They do have similar contracts like here in Hong Kong.

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Jun 2021

    How simple was that . Let's hope that they are going to accept at the end.

    paddylast likes this.

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by aquaman:
    Since when do we live in a world where contracts are not contracts?
    These kind of companies (who are basically selling air, let's face it) make their money on normal plebs with morals whilst having none themselves.
    newhkpr likes this.

  5. #15

    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    Pok Fu Lam
    Quote Originally Posted by vineeth:
    Thx guys - quick update, I used their WhatsApp chat, got through to an agent that immediately suggested applying to convert to an annual plan which works out much cheaper (~HKD 500/yr), they need the one-way ticket, end of employment record and an overseas phone number. Might just do this.
    Check if your contract auto renewed after the previous contract period expired? If so, they are obliged to accept a cancellation within first few months even if they sent you multiple reminders.

  6. #16

    Join Date
    Oct 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by aquaman:
    Since when do we live in a world where contracts are not contracts?
    Contracts are worthless if they are unenforceable.

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