I know that you're usually in the vicinity of medical attention in HK, but as someone who's done extensive hiking, backpacking and camping in North America and has consulted with medical professionals about this matter...I can say that if you get bit by a veonomous snake with venom that spreads through the blood (like rattle snake), removing the venom immediately can increase your chance of reducing effects of the bite. Cobra venom is a neurotoxin and doesn't spread through the blood, however some snake venom does spread through the blood and I like to play the safe rather than sorry game in these instances.
I wouldn't have someone suck the venom out orally, but with a venom extraction kit you can safely remove the venom to reduce your risks if you are unaware of the type of snake that has bitten you and are unable to either kill the snake to take to the ER with you, or describe it well enough at the hospital.
Would you rather take a chance, or pay the few dollars for something that might save your life, but you will probably never use? My venom extractor has never been used, but I'd rather carry it in my first aid kit than risk serious consequences.
if venom extraction did not work in some cases, why would people sell venom extraction kits? i am guessing there must be some use for it, especially if you are far far away from a hospital
Fair enough. Why don't these kits work then? It would make sense that if you get some venom out, it would reduce the effects.
Maybe, it is simply too late. By the time you are bit, the venom has already started circulating so quickly that you can not effectively reduce the amount in the body with these venom kits. Is that the reason these kits do not work?
Can someone explain why some medical professionals say that the venom kits are not very useful?
i reckon we get a test subject, someone like A&D (now know as marriotboy), i'll go looking for snakes and bring it with me, someone bring the venon extraction kit and we will all conduct a study so that we can settle this once and for all. If it doesnt work then its no loss. LOL