Ankle braces?

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Ankle braces?

    Does anyone know where I can buy a *good* ankle support? I need to be able to run in it, but provide protection against a rolled ankle. Something with rigid steel or polymer side bracing, not the simple elastic tubes available in Watsons.


  2. #2

    Aircast hard ankle braces in Central

    I recently bought a pair of hard ankle braces from Sports Medicine Specialists in Central. They are $450 each but are by far the best I've seen and used. They are Aircast brand and are built for sports.

    I use this:

    Personally, I had some major ankle injuries last year and have been trying to get my ankle up to competitive levels recently and these help enormously. I go nuts in them playing competitive Basketball and Rugby and still feel my ankles are perfectly safe. I would estimate I only lose about 5% of my maximum mobility with them on.

    They aren't super restrictive although the other lines of Aircast can be super restrictive if you desire. They are also quick to put on and feel really well designed. I use one on each ankle since my strength/speed seems to be improving faster than my ankles. Note: you should try to run/walk/train without the braces whenever possible to train your ankles. I just use the brace in competitive play whenever I know I might injure myself. Hope this helps.

    Sports Medicine Specialists
    8/F AON China Building, 29 Queens Road

    The Physio place I go to is also great with all staff trained overseas in competitive sports. Great staff/surgeons/doctors/equipment inhouse and they are experienced in dealing with athletes who actually want to be competitive in sports.

    Last edited by Rawbanana; 27-09-2006 at 05:02 PM.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    as a volleyball player, i roll my ankle at least once a season.

    i use a product from the US called "Active Ankle". They're the best for my sport, I find.

    Only thing is i wouldn't have a clue where to get them in Hong Kong, but you could always order them online from somewhere. Here's their site:

    when i was playing competitively, our trainer used to tape ankles before every game/practise. that's actually the best way to go, but probably not suitable unless you have a personal tape person and a lot of tape.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Thanks guys. I ended up getting a brace from my physio. I'll check out the Queen's Rd place just to see what they have though.

    It doesn't look to be as easy to put on as the Aircast (involves lacing, 2 figure 8 straps and then one more top strap) but provides excellent support (I played Ultimate last night in it, no twinges).