Tennis on Saturday evening (Nov 13) - Court booked at HK Tennis Centre

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  1. #1

    Tennis on Saturday evening (Nov 13) - Court booked at HK Tennis Centre

    Hey everyone, I have a court for 8-10pm this Saturday, November 13. Anyone interested? 31 year old guy, intermediate/advanced (3.5 using NTRP rating), but really just love hitting, not super competitive. I can keep a good rally going. Let me know, thanks.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Hey there! I'm interested in playing on the 13th. I am actually flying in that day in the afternoon, but I should be ok. If you give me your number I can just give you a call to confirm closer to the time. If you can find someone else to play, by all means.


  3. #3

    Sorry - found someone to hit with! But always looking to play, so feel free to hit me up anytime.