Moving back to Hong Kong in January 08, looking for tennis players

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  1. #1

    Moving back to Hong Kong in January 08, looking for tennis players

    Hello All,

    Moving back to Hong Kong Jan '08 and I'm hoping to continue my tennis recreation back in Hong Kong. Apparently my parents live in Fanling, however I am willing to travel anywhere to play tennis. Any possibilities out there? I'm willing to play with people of any level. Nothing like the feeling of swinging a racket ya know . Please feel free to PM or email me.

    [email protected]

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Tai Wai
    Quote Originally Posted by tofufever:
    Hello All,

    Moving back to Hong Kong Jan '08 and I'm hoping to continue my tennis recreation back in Hong Kong. Apparently my parents live in Fanling, however I am willing to travel anywhere to play tennis. Any possibilities out there? I'm willing to play with people of any level. Nothing like the feeling of swinging a racket ya know . Please feel free to PM or email me.

    [email protected]

    "Apparently" your parents live in Fanling, LOL thats awesome! Thats what happened to me too... they use to live in Tai Wai/Sha Tin. Then when I got here 3 weeks ago... they apparently moved to Fanling without me knowing! I feel so ripped off!

    Anyway... tennis..hmm... I haven't played in many many years, maybe I'll take u up on it.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Hong Kong


    I would be up for a game or two- but I am just above beginner level.

    That is - as long as we can do more than just have a few baseline rallies. My partner and I have been looking for some tennis players for a while now...

  4. #4

    Sounds awesome, definitely up for playing. Sorry to sound like a total noob but how easy is it to get courts? From So Cal so grew up with tennis courts.

  5. #5

    So I guess u guys won't have enough room for a beginner like me then.... ?

  6. #6

    I'm open to playing with anyone at any level. Not that great of a player myself. At my peak I was only good enough to play Junior College and Div II, not your nationally ranked type of player. It's always fun to work on or tennis games no?

  7. #7

    I moved here not so long ago, and definitely want to have some play partner. Can I join your guys for some games?

    I am like 2.5 - 3 level player.


  8. #8

    Smile Tennis

    Most interested!!!!!!

    I am a 33 year-old Singaporean Chinese male living & working in HK (on HK Island). I'm hoping to find tennis partners to train with too. Doubles preferred (with 4 players), but singles are fine for me as well. My level of play is intermediate, but I haven't played in a while & looking to pick it up again.

    Please send me an email at [email protected] if you are interested to join me?

    Thanks, Daniel!

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    I've just moved to Fanling from London, and I fancy a game of tennis also.

    I'm of a decent standard, and can play at anytime during weekdays.

    Just PM me if you're interested.



  10. #10

    i'd love to join you guys in january...i'm an intermediate player that usually plays once or twice a week...(before i moved to hong kong 2 mths ago)

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