Hi, I am looking for tennis buddies to play tennis with, I used to be at an intermediate level but I've stopped playing for 2 years and would like to pick it back up.
if any 1 is interested, shoot me a message.
Hi, I am looking for tennis buddies to play tennis with, I used to be at an intermediate level but I've stopped playing for 2 years and would like to pick it back up.
if any 1 is interested, shoot me a message.
Hi, I would be interested as I am in similar situation to you. Where do you live?
Hey, I live in NT but I work in HK island so I am in HK island most of the time, how about your self? what days are the best?
I live in Tung Chung and prefer weekends. Where exactly r u in NT and would u mind playing in Tung Chung?
aw sorry man, Tung Chung is really out of the way for me, would cost near 100 dollars and near 2 hours just to get there, I am in shatin. Maybe if we can play some where in the middle, like hk island
I'm in to play around HK island or King's park ?
I'm in Kennedy town.
I'd be up to play in Tung Chung. Please PM me if still interested.
Hi, i am a beginner but have been playing for over a year. I am flexible with location.
I consider myself a beginner/intermediate, so if anyone wants to play, let me know. i live in north point. btw, where can I buy a racket? Just moved to HK, so I have no equipment.
woah, I haven't checked out this thread in a while. Didn't notice the replies. ll msg you guys and set up a time and place.