Personal trainer for fitness competitions?

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Personal trainer for fitness competitions?

    I know this is pretty specialised but can anyone recommend a good trainer in HK? I live in wanchai so preferably close.

    I've tried so many trainers and am sick and tired of their "one aize fits all" approach. I really need someone who will tailor exactly to my fitness and nutritional needs.

    Right now I want to slim down and tone up for my wedding, but ultimately I want to compete in fitness competitions.

    Someone who specialises in training women up for fitness modelling competitions would be perfect (maybe impossible to find!)

    Last edited by fifine; 27-04-2013 at 11:07 PM.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    I know the feeling. I've tried 2 trainers in HK and been very disappointed compared to my former UK trainer. In London I used to train with Ultimate Performance in Shoreditch. They are AMAZING! I was gutted when I left the UK and could no longer train with them.

    But the good news is that Ultimate Performance are opening in HK literally any day now. I've already signed up for 20 sessions. Their gym is in Central on Queen's Road (across the road from H&M and The Body Shop - in the building where Top Shop is opening).

    If you want to compete as a women's fitness model, UP are the guys for you. They have a lot of experience in this field (check out their website and Facebook pages). My former UP trainer Justin was a former Junior Mr Universe and one of the other trainers Howard won the UK Natural Body Building champs while I was training there. UP take their training VERY seriously and are very well respected in the body building/fitness modelling world.

    Apologies if this sounds like an advert. It isn't I promise. I just think these guys are brilliant and I'm really excited they're coming to HK. I've trained most of my adult life and always pushed myself hard and got results but UP helped me get to a whole new level. Happy to give more info via PM.

    Check out their HK website:

    Or their UK (which is more established so more info):

    They're also on Facebook.